Porovnat verze


  • Tento řádek byl přidán.
  • Tento řádek byl odstraněn.
  • Formátování bylo změněno.


  1. Create SHH tunnel for the computer which you want to connect to. This is able using the Terminal application by this command:

    Blok kódu
    titlePříkaz pro vytvoření SSH tunelu
    ssh "login"@akela.mendelu.cz -L 3389:"computer_name":3389

    Instead of “login” enter your UIS login(username) (for example xnovak98) and instead of “computer_name” enter the whole name of the computer/station, which you want to connect to (for example lumpik23.mendelu.cz). 

  2. Application Terminal ask you to enter your password (UIS password) and confirm by pressing ENTER. Please be aware that the Terminal app do not display anything (neither star nor character) when you are entering the password.
  3. If the connection is successful you see similar output as at the picture below:
  4. Install the application Microsoft Remote Desktop from the AppStore and run it. 
  5. Add computer by clicking at the icon “+” and chosing “Add PC”.
  6. Fill the form as at the figure below. Optional: At the tab “Display” cancel the “Start session in full screen” settings and set the Resolution, which defines the size of the window where you will work with the connected computer/station. We recommend to set lower resolution than the actual resolution of your display.   
  7. Double-click at the added computer /station and fill in the login data into UIS and confirm. Other windows if any only confirm by Continue.   
  8. Now should be created protected/ secured connection to the required computer/station. You would be able to login and start to work. Please log out yourself after you finish your work. 
