Sloupec |
Filtrovat podle štítku (obsah podle štítku) |
showLabels | false |
max | 5 |
showSpace | false |
sort | title |
title | Informace o licencích |
excludeCurrent | true |
cql | label in ( "affinity-photo" , "affinity-designer" , "affinity-publisher" , "affinity" ) and label = "licence" and type = "page" and space = "TECH" |
Sloupec |
Filtrovat podle štítku (obsah podle štítku) |
showLabels | false |
max | 5 |
showSpace | false |
sort | title |
title | Instalace SW |
excludeCurrent | true |
cql | label in ( "affinity-photo" , "affinity-designer" , "affinity-publisher" , "affinity" ) and label in ( "instalace" , "aktualizace" ) and type = "page" and space = "TECH" |
Sloupec |
Filtrovat podle štítku (obsah podle štítku) |
showLabels | false |
max | 5 |
showSpace | false |
sort | title |
title | Konfigurace SW |
excludeCurrent | true |
cql | label in ( "affinity" , "affinity-photo" , "affinity-designer" , "affinity-publisher" ) and label = "konfigurace" and type = "page" and space = "TECH" |
Sloupec |
Filtrovat podle štítku (obsah podle štítku) |
showLabels | false |
max | 5 |
showSpace | false |
sort | title |
title | Troubleshooting |
excludeCurrent | true |
cql | label in ( "affinity" , "affinity-photo" , "affinity-designer" , "affinity-publisher" ) and label = "reseni-problemu" and type = "page" and space = "TECH" |