Stažený ZIP soubor rozbalte. Rozbalování bude trvat několik minut z důvodu velkého množství malých souborů.
Spusťte instalaci pomocí setup.exe.
Postupujte dle pokynů v průvodci instalace.
Přepínače instalátoru
Case sensitive
Přepínače rozlišují malá a velká písmena.
Přepínače instalátoru (převzato z helpu pro verzi 4.9):
GUI language
1033 for English, 1031 for German
/L=1031 : Dialog boxes in German /L=1033 : Dialog boxes in English
Program mode
Only "reduced mode" is currently available. It provides a simplified GUI. Dialog boxes with user interaction are hidden.
Filename of the log file
The entire path must be specified for the installation log file, including the filename. This file is not generated until the installation is complete. While the installer is running, this file does not exist.
Parameter /Log can also be entered by itself (i.e. without "=" and the file path). In this case, the installer chooses a name for the log file automatically. The file is saved to the installation directory.
Expansion of the version label
The text set by the parameter is added to the Automation Studio version label. This makes it possible to install the same version of Automation Studio on a computer at the same time. The specified text must have a valid filename and is not permitted to contain spaces.
Destination path
The destination directory for the installation is set with option /D. Option /D must always be the last parameter specified.